Wednesday, October 15, 2008

One year old!!!!!

"It's my birthday, I don't have to smile if I don't want to, don't have to smile if I don't want to..."

This is the closest she came to smiling during picture time today :) Pull the camera out and she freezes. Put the real phone up to her and she freezes. Her fake phone on the other hand, if you put that to her ear she will say "hewo."

She has become very inquisitive. Every couple of minutes she points her finger at something (or fingers of both hands in different directions) and says "Whas sat."

Karina also loves to dance. Even the anticipation of music makes her shake her hips and her head :)

She still isn't moving around much, lucky for us, but is starting to show more interest. She scoots on her bum around the floor when she is on the hardwood or the tile in the kitchen. Karina is pulling up using our hands and taking a couple of steps. She will probably just skip crawling and pop up and start walking one day :) She likes to turn in circles.

Here are some fun videos of Karina. We will post some more pictures later and coming up is the "out take blog." Some of the "best" pictures that didn't make it to the blog earlier...

Karina getting down and unfortunately, then taking down her friend.

Karina in pigtails and "talking" up a storm.