Karina is 2 years old!! She is an amazing little girl who loves to play, sing and read. We have been keeping busy. At the end of August we went to Pacific Beach, WA with some friends. September went fast! The weather was beautiful, so we enjoyed the outdoors as much as possible. October is flying by as well. The rain has arrived, so we are now taking advantage of the indoor activities, like the Children's Museum and community center playrooms.
Karina singing her favorite song, "Open and Shut" with all the hand motions...
...and she's wearing one of Marie's old skirts :)
Karina and JJ playing in the sand at Pacific Beach.
Here she is with Jodi after she succeeded in dunking herself up to her chest.

Climbing, up, up and away!

Filling her pool...

Enjoying the backyard and shading herself with Marie's hat.

Getting out of the heat with some fun at the Children's Museum.

Karina having a snack with her doll (one of my old dolls)...

Reading on the couch wearing one of Marie's shirts as a child...

Karina and Tim all geared up for the rain...

She's a very good helper.

Having fun wearing Daddy's clothes.

23 months old.

Karina and Alice driving.
Another trip to the Children's museum. Karina loves to grocery shop!
This is what happens when you leave Karina alone in her room for a few minutes...
Gorillas are one of Karina's favorite animals to see at the Zoo, especially the baby.
Artistic shot...
Cute girl with pig tails.
Dancing with Mamma.
Playing with Claire at the Tot Gym.
Playground fun!
Scary Karina!
Making her cuckoo face while eating her birthday brownie. She is definitely a comedian.