Karina at 27 months and introducing...

A and B Ericson! This is the first ultrasound picture. Needless to say we were a little surprised the first time we saw this view :)

Here is Baby A (with Baby B's head as well). The two little boys are due in early June.

Here is Baby B's profile. Their code names for now are Thor and Bjorn until we can agree on names :)

Karina doesn't really know what is in store for her yet, but she says good morning to the babies and gives them kisses already! Here she is in a pretty sweater and hat knit by Ya Ya.

Artistic shot. Karina through the window and her drawing. Window markers are a hit!

Karina is moving up to the more adventurous slides at the playground. This purple slide is one of her favorites.

Karina and her stylist :)