Saturday, February 23, 2008

4 Months Old

Yippee, I'm 4 months old! Karina poses for another of her monthly photos. We take one of these each month and put it up on her wall. When she's 12 months old, we'll be able to look back at her progress.

Karina poses on the couch and gives us one of her ear to ear grins.

Even though it wasn't her 4 month birthday for another day, we couldn't resist sitting her on the couch for a preemptive photo on Valentine's Day.

Karina cuddles with Dad.

Now Karina rips Dad's hair out.

Karina is not quite used to sitting in big people chairs...

Are you looking at me?

Karina is starting to "like" her exersaucer.

I'm so pretty...

Karina loves laughing at her dad.

Karina performing one of her new-found pastimes.

Friday, February 8, 2008

New Milestones!

Karina has become a very active and talkative little girl! Check out the photos below to see her progress :) We'll post some videos next week for her 4 month birthday!!!

Karina loves her Daddy. He makes her laugh and laugh and laugh...

Karina is really getting down the hand-eye coordination thing. She can even hold her own bottle! Granted, we put her hands on the bottle, but its still really exciting!!

She can sit all by herself in a chair!...

...and look oh so cute doing it!

...and she still loves to look concerned...

...and to roll onto her side! That she does all on her own! Once she rolled from her back all the way to her stomach and squished her arm. She was so upset! But she loves to roll onto her side to grab her rings.