Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Very belated posting...

Sorry everyone! I know we have not been good about keeping up this blog! I realized that we haven't posted since before Thanksgiving!!! It has been a whirlwind. Here is what has happened in a nutshell (sorry probably leaving things out):

 It was a great Thanksgiving with Rinus, Daniel and Emilija! We unfortunately lost Tim's beloved grandmother Shirley White, who lived an amazing life and will be dearly missed, in early December. Marie's brother Hannes and his wife Debbie had a new baby, William, who we cannot wait to meet!! Tim's parents, aunt and grandfather joined us in MA for a fun Christmas Eve dinner, complete with a guitar sing a long! We spent Christmas day at Tim's grandfather's house in New Hampshire and enjoyed a relaxing dinner. 

New years we spent with some new friends in Wilmington who are us, but just 3 years ahead, Twin boys who are in Karina's preschool who have a sister who is 2 years older! It was so much fun! They had a great celebration for the kids at 9pm full of confetti (which Paul pretended to swim in) and streamers. Since then we have been continuing our Sunday drives getting to know the North Shore and seeing what towns we like for when we eventually buy a house, enjoying a very mild winter (except for the snow falling right now!), and spending time with friends and family. Christie, Bob and baby Lilly (as Karina calls her), came to visit in January on the one other snow day we have had, so we were stuck in the apartment for most of the time, but had a blast! We have enjoyed bowling, Aquarium trips, ice skating and just hanging out with Rinus, Daniel and Emilija. Recently we lost Marie's aunt Thea - an amazing woman with an amazing spirit. On the positive side of things, Marie's Dad's cancer is now in remission and he is continuing his recovery! We are looking forward to seeing them this summer!

Tim's job is going well and keeping him busy. Marie is still working on her cooking blog and looking for that ideal part time job from home doing legal work.

Karina is a smart little girl. She amazes us daily with her vocabulary, how much she can remember people and places and her funny songs and dances. The boys are getting so big! They are a handful! It is amazing how much trouble they can get into in the 1 minute we turn our backs :) Neil's vocabulary is growing daily and Paul is catching up. They both love story time at the local library and their new playgroup alongside Marie's Stroller Strides exercise class. 

Before I get to the pictures, I wanted to let you all know that we probably won't be keeping this blog up much longer. We are in the process of switching our pictures to Flickr. If you are interested in continuing to see pictures, let me know : If you have a yahoo account, you can access Flickr, if not, you will need to sign up for a Flickr account. By letting me know, I will grant you access to the photos, as they will not be public. Thanks!!




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