Monday, December 3, 2007

Karina and her many hats...

Karina has hit the 10lb mark! She has been giving us lots of smiles and even laughed yesterday! (unfortunately this has not yet been captured on film, but stay tuned!)

Karina sleeping in her knit hat from Ya Ya.

Hanging out in her Winnie the Pooh hat...

Almost a smile in her pink hat...

Is a hoodie a hat?

Karina in her favorite hat :)

Lounging on her changing table in her white hat (and cute bowling shoes!)

Why do people keep calling Karina "him" ?

No hat, but a cute picture of Karina and Alice in their matching outfits!

Getting into the holiday spirit early. Karina posed for her first photo with Santa and he had a South African accent!


HarmSkills said...

I love her hoodie and her gansta pose!

Mary said...

These pictures are so great! Thanks for keeping up the post.